Stirling Council Activity Agreement
The side-by-side service was developed in collaboration with Stirling Council`s Youth and Community Team to support young people aged 16 to 19 who need additional support to access activity agreements. Using a trauma-informed approach, we work with the young person on a 1-1 basis to improve mental health and well-being outcomes. Your agreement may include music, art, sports, or outdoor activities. You can also participate in group activities with other local participants and participate in community projects. Advice and advocacy on the skills needed to support permanent employment. Focuses on increasing self-confidence, resilience and self-esteem through employment, work experience, volunteering, educational opportunities and qualifications. We are committed to enabling all young people to continue learning, training and employment. We partner with organisations and employers in the Stirling area to provide adequate opportunities, support and intervention for all young people, especially those further away from employment. You may be entitled to assistance for transport to the activity agreement locations, lunch and an EMA payment of £30 per week.
The pipeline provides Stirling practitioners with information to help them in their daily contact with young people (aged 16-24) and provides a clear picture of the range of services available. The pipeline relies on participating organizations to provide regular (quarterly) updates to ensure that the information is relevant and accurate. Our goal is to update the document at least twice a year. The Youth Employment Business Plan (YEAP) reflects a strong commitment from local partners and outlines supply agreements and referral pathways for more than 16 opportunities. Within YEAP, there is an employability pipeline (levels 1 to 5) that provides a simple roadmap to help young people find employment through a multi-level process. .
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